Many businesses build a website, create a Homepage, fill the rest of the site with content regarding their services and that’s about it. From that point on the website becomes dormant with regards to fresh content.
Whether your business is online or offline, if you are running a website to attract potential leads and customers, then having a blog that is regularly updated with relevant content is one of the best online marketing tools at your disposal.
In this article, we’ll be covering some of the top reasons why your business website needs a blog.
#1 – More Content = More Traffic
It’s pretty simple mathematics. The more content your website has, the more pages will be ranked in search engines and the more visitors your site will get. And one of the easiest and most seamless ways to regularly add more relevant content is via a blogroll on your business website.
It doesn’t really matter who writes the content for the blog. It could be the boss, a staff member, an SEO company, or even outsourced to a freelance writer. The idea is to keep adding content that’s relevant to your business, in turn attracting visitors to your site who are already interested in your particular area of expertise.

With a good sprinkling of just the right keywords within the content, pretty soon you’ll find your website traffic doubling or tripling in fairly quick time once the content builds and starts to rank for those keywords.
Every piece of blog content you add to your site gives people more entry points to find your business.
#2 – A Blog Helps Nurture Relationships
A blog is also about building relationships and that all-important trust factor. Rather than visitors just arriving at an impersonal and rather static website, a blog roll allows them a deeper look into your business and the people behind it. This all helps create a connection so visitors will feel they can trust doing business with you or buying your products.
A blog essentially gives your business a voice and delivers a more human and personal experience.
#3 – Build Your Status As An Authority
When we visit a website for information or are looking to do business in some form with a particular company, we want to know that those who run the business are experts in their field, that they are an authority that we can trust and listen to.
Running a business blog that’s regularly updated with relevant industry content helps build your authority within your niche, no matter what that niche is.
Authority builds trust, which in turn leads to customers.
#4 – Free Content Leads To Income
While in essence, it sounds counter-productive, the more free information you supply readers within your blog content, the more chance you have of these people becoming paying customers at some point. If they trust you, believe you are an authority on your chosen subject, and you’ve provided them with free useful information or a solution to a problem, there’s every chance that visitors will think of your business when they decide to buy whatever it’s you’re offering.
#5 – A Blog Creates An Internal Linking Profile
Having internal links – where one piece of content on your site links to another piece of relevant content on your site – is great for SEO. Google loves internal linking because it adds to the user experience, makes your site easier to navigate, and increases the all-important dwell time. Most of all though, it shows Google that you believe your own content has value.

But that’s not all. Every blog post on your website can be linked to relevant sales or services pages, and this is where the action happens. This is where you ultimately want your visitors to end up because it is these pages that provide the call to action, and where a lead turns into a paying customer.
#6 – Repurpose Your Blog Content For Social Media
While you don’t want to use duplicate content in your social media posts, once you have a series of blog posts on your blogroll, you can then create shorter versions of that content for Facebook posts and so on. You then link that social media post back to the original blog post on your business website.
It’s yet another method of getting targeted traffic to your website without having to dream up completely new content.
Along with Facebook, other social media channels to consider are:
Even paid advertising in the form of PPC or Facebook ads can send visitors to your blog posts.
#7 – Blog Posts Encourage Interaction
If you include a “comments” section at the end of each blog post, it gives readers and potential customers the ability to ask questions in an informal manner. This type of interaction helps with SEO as well as gives business owners the perfect opportunity to further develop relationships with leads and clients.
If visitors feel like they are getting to know you and like you, then they’ll be far more likely to buy from you.
#8 – Blog Posts Are Shareable Content
Imagine if one of your blog posts went viral and suddenly your website was getting thousands of visitors. It can happen with blogging because blog posts are often the kind of useful content people want to share with others.
Now, it’s not easy to get something to go viral, but it doesn’t have to either. So long as your content has value, and you give your visitors the ability to share your content easily by including social media share icons, your content will get shared, which leads to more traffic to your site.

Read More: 10 QUICK TIPS FOR SEO IN 2018
The Wrap
Every business owner who runs a website should seriously consider having a blog that’s regularly updated with fresh content. It’s all about content marketing. Without a blog, you are just leaving money on the table, and no business wants to do that.
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